Congressman Fattah wins award for improving the lives of working families

Press Release

Date: Aug. 10, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA) has been recognized by Working Mother Media -- which publishes the Working Mother Magazine - and Corporate Voices for Working Families for his accomplishments as a Member of Congress for his leadership in improving the quality of life for working families. This is the second time the Best of Congress Award has been given and Fattah has received it on both occasions.

The Award spotlights Congressional excellence in supporting working families through legislation and advocacy. Equally important, it also recognizes those members of Congress who practice what they preach -- employing family-friendly policies in their own offices.

"Congressman Fattah serves as models for what can be accomplished through legislation and a personal commitment to policies that benefit working families," Donna Klein, CEO and Executive Chair of Corporate Voices, said. "As our nation continues to face a number of economic and other issues involving working families, Fattah deserves to be congratulated and recognized nationally for his leadership, advocacy and support of best-practice family-friendly workforce policies."

A profile of Congressman Fattah is featured in the August/September 2010 issue of Working Mother magazine and at

"Not only did we judge Congressman Fattah on his voting record for supporting working families, we also examined the benefits that his own employees receive like paid leave and flextime," Carol Evans, CEO, Working Mother Media, said. "There are no rules about flextime or paid leave for Congressional staff. They are stepping up voluntarily because they believe in progressive policies and act on their beliefs in the real world managing their staff."

The Best of Congress Award will be presented to Fattah and 29 other members of Congress at a recognition breakfast to be held Sept. 22, in Washington, D.C.

"The recipients of the Best of Congress Award serve as models for what can be accomplished through legislation and a personal commitment to policies that benefit working families," Donna Klein, CEO and Executive Chair of Corporate Voices, said. "As our nation continues to face a number of economic and other issues involving working families, these members of Congress deserve to be congratulated and recognized nationally for their leadership, advocacy and support of best-practice family-friendly workforce policies."
